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Zanne Klingenberg Editing 

Finding joy between the lines

Whether you have a manuscript in your desk drawer or a technical report on your screen, you need high-quality editing and proofreading to take you to the next level. 

With over a decade of experience, I can polish your document to give you the best chance of success with a client, an agent, or self-publishing. I have worked with everyone from trade publishers and businesses to non-profits and individual authors.

When you work with me, you'll have the level of support you need to succeed. I provide services ranging from small (yet critical) grammar and punctuation corrections to big-picture document assessment and development. 

Brad Wilson, Senior Editorial Director, Collins Canada

Zanne consistently over-delivers for us—even on impossibly tight deadlines.
Fountain pen

Need More Info?

You can read more about me and my services at the links below.

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